latest news

  • Edem Free Medical Outreach

    The Edem free medical starts 25th to 29th November 2019. Please join the prayer daily at 10pm. Please note that the arrival date is 24th at health...

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  • Free Medical Outreach -...

    Cedio will be holding free medical outreach at Odozienu Akwukwu Igbo for 5 days in memory of Sir Chief Dr Chukwuemeka Oscar Iworah. The Breast...

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  • Edem youth outreach

    From the 28th to the 30th September 2017, Cedio will be in Ozi Edem, Nsukka Local Government Area with an outreach programme for (but not limited...

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  • Cataract Is the opacity or loss of clarity of the crystalline lens. It affects about 50million people World Wide and causes blindness in almost 16million.
  • In developing countries like Nigeria almost 50% of the population over 50 years have cataract that impair vision.
  • Risk factors include old age, trauma to the eye, genetic predisposition, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, exposure to radiation and maternal infection.
  • Cataract surgery is one of the most cost effective surgical interventions. The patient's defective lens are removed and a synthetic lens implantedn. This must be carried out by an ophthalmologist.
  • Let us cherish our sight because “where there is no vision, the people perish;….(prov. 29:18)